Invisalign Treatment
Invisalign Treatment By Experienced Dentist in White Rock, BC
At Georgian Square Dental Clinic in White Rock we offer Invisalign treatment. Invisalign is a clear alignment technology, and more specifically, a series of clear aligners that are computer generated to gradually guide the teeth into proper alignment. With its proprietary innovations and decades of research and development, Invisalign clear aligners are unmatched by any other clear aligner system.
Misalignment of teeth can lead to premature wearing, tooth loss, gum disease and the buildup of bacteria that are associated with bigger problems, which includes but is not limited to heart disease. Straighter teeth are healthier teeth. The benefits of using Invisalign Clear Aligners are:
- Healthier gums which are easier to brush and floss
- Improvement of oral hygiene which reduces the plaque build-up, tooth decay, and the risk of gum disease.
- Less wear and trauma which reduces the risk of chipping, breaking, and wearing of the teeth.
- Proper alignment can reduce stress on the jawbone and joints.